• Project 366 PhotoBlog
  • Tuesday, February 19, 2008

    10 Signs A Book Might Be Written By Me � ReadingWritingLiving

    I saw this at ReadingWritingLiving and as usual, can't resist a meme--especially as I slowly write a novel.

    In no particular order...

    1. It will seem highly derivative of Pynchon, Powers, and whomever I happen to be reading the day I wrote that chapter.

    2. There will be an architect in it.

    3. Tangents will take over any plot line before finally circling back round.

    4. The character names will either be grotesque or ridiculously banal.

    5. The narrator will insist on narrating about the landscape ad infinitum.

    6. There will be lists and lists and long lists.

    7. There will be long stretches of non-fiction that will make the reader wonder what happened to the characters.

    8. Someone will likely take a pot shot at religion.

    9. The boy will get the girl. Unless he doesn't.

    10. It won't be finished.


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