• Project 366 PhotoBlog
  • Tuesday, February 19, 2008

    Re: [learningexpedition] Re: Park Day -- Granada, 2/19/2008, 1:30 pm


    Here's my plan.  We need to get centrally located, all of us in one compound.  We stake out one of these apartment complexes going condo in the Scottsdale area.  Then, when these fat cat capitalist realize that the crappy housing market has made their business plan a complete mess, we move in with guns.  And we don't even need big guns.  They'll be so demoralized that squirt guns with black paint will get it done.

    After we secure the area and evict all the lawyers, restauranteurs, and periodontists, we lock down any entrances with abandoned Hummers.  We throw up those long skinny succulent things that people use as fences.  Ocotilla or something.  Plant them all around the complex, and then dig a moat behind them.  Just like Robinson Crusoe only deeper.  And put dead cactus in the moat.  And maybe a javelina or two.  How do you spell javalina?

    We slap up solar panels on the roof, cause you know they'll come after us by cutting the power.  Water will be okay because these places have pools (ref. Hotel Rawanda).  This will hold us over until the monsoon when we can replenish.

    No one's going to attack in the day.  Too risky to Scottdale's image. But at night we put the teenagers in corner units, like gun towers.  They never sleep anyway, so they'll have the night watch.    We'll make it a project. They can learn basic trig. through firing angles, physics by analyzing bullet rotation and drift.  History, we'll look at the great sieges of history--Masada, Fort Apache, Waco, Ruby Hill, Stalingrad, Die Hard.  During the day, the can write poetry and read the Charge of the Light Brigade.

    We outfit the cars a la Road Warrior.  We've probably got half a dozen mini vans that we can convert to tankers.  My Civic we'll soup up with nitro so we can create diversions.  Call it the Phasar or something cool like that.  Anyone named Max gets a free shot at driving it.

    Securing the center, we all have easy access to El Dorado, Chaparral, Train Park, Papago, Chesnutt, the dog park, the new park, spring training, the new water treatment plant, Motorola, the CAP, Kazmirez Wine Bar, and the library.  Any one of which we could occupy and hold indefinitely. 

    Who's with me?




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