• Project 366 PhotoBlog
  • Thursday, August 24, 2006

    SkyGirl and the flood

    SkyGirl and the flood, originally uploaded by cieuxautres.

    A huge monsoon storm hit the desert this morning. One rain guage reported over 3" in two hours. The water rushed from all parts and then poured into the wash that sits outside our home. SkyGirl and I went out to take pictures about an hour after the storm ended. There's a bunch more at Flickr. Just click on the picture or go here.

    Keep in mind when viewing these that where you see water, that area is nearly always dry. There is no creek or stream that runs through there. There are no water hazards on the holes where these photos were taken. I've seen floods before, but they were rivers and lakes that flooded. This is a flood where there is no running water. Everything dumps into this wash.

    Two people were rescued from cars and even now, 8 or so hours after the storm, the water is still pouring through the wash.

    Here are some other photos from the local paper.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I checked out the other photos. You took some great shots!

    5:46 PM  

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